G-20 Concerned Over Premature QE Tapering

Global finance chiefs sought to buttress the global economic recovery with pledges to avoid spooking markets as China moved to scrap a lending rule that had constrained its banks.

Group of 20 nations will pursue “carefully calibrated and clearly communicated” policy moves so that the U.S. and Japan don’t cause cross-border damage when they start rolling back stimulus, they said after a two-day meeting of finance chiefs in Moscow. They will move “more rapidly” toward market-determined exchange rate systems, following China’s internal banking change, according to a July 20 statement.

“China’s action is probably the one thing that will help markets,” Lena Komileva, chief economist at G+ Economics in London, said in a July 20 telephone interview. “Global markets are dominated by a butterfly effect. If the Fed is to change domestic policy in response to U.S. economic conditions, it’s going to have global consequences.”

The G-20 heeded calls from emerging-market countries to guard against shockwaves when U.S. growth is secure enough for the Federal Reserve to cut back on its bond buying, according to the statement. It also repeated that nations should avoid competitive currency devaluations.

Speculation about developed economies scaling back their unprecedented monetary easing has roiled emerging-market currencies and bonds since G-20 finance chiefs last met in April. The dollar fell for a second week versus most major peers.


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Mingze Wu

Mingze Wu

Currency Analyst at Market Pulse
Based in Singapore, Mingze Wu focuses on trading strategies and technical and fundamental analysis of major currency pairs. He has extensive trading experience across different asset classes and is well-versed in global market fundamentals. In addition to contributing articles to MarketPulseFX, Mingze

centers on forex and macro-economic trends impacting the Asia Pacific region.
Mingze Wu